* In case of Death, Serious Accident and Severe Illness of the Insured Person, spouse, as well as ascendants and descendants in the 1st and 2nd degree of both, and also: brothers, brothers-in-law, daughters-in-law and sons-in-law of both. For the purposes of this point, any sudden, unpredictable and non-pre-existing life-threatening clinical situation, as well as that which results in more than 1 day of hospital stay, shall be considered a serious accident or serious illness.
* A sudden and fortuitous event that requires the presence of the Insured Person in any of the following situations:
a) Loss of serious proportions in the residence of the Insured Person, or at his place of work, due to robbery, fire, explosion, flood.
b) Car accident in Portugal resulting in serious bodily injury to third parties that imply hospitalization for more than 2 days.
c) Theft of the car of the Insured Person or of the spouse on the same day or two days before the beginning of the trip.
d) Call for new employment, with an unlimited employment contract, except for the transition from temporary contract to permanent contract.
e) Relocation of the company in which the Safe Person works.
f) Dismissal of the Insured Person within fifteen days prior to departure.
g) Any illness of Insured Persons of less than 2 years and that is impeditive to travel.
h) Summoned to testify in court as witness.
i) Call for polling station in elections for: Presidential, European, Parliamentary and Municipal.
j) Unexpected call for surgical intervention when waiting in a public hospital.
l) Convoked for organ transplantation.
m) Pregnancy complications in the first six months unless predicted.
n) Citation or notification of the Insured in the process of divorce.

In the event that the destination is impaired in order to be enjoyed, or in case of disturbance to reach the destination or return to the origin of the trip, whenever motivated by Force Majeure reasons, our customers have a guarantee with capital of € 3,000 per the person who will allow the cancellation in advance, or the payment of unused days and the additional expenses to arrive at the destination and enjoy the trip contracted. Major events like Natural Cataclysms, Terrorism, War, Epidemics, Pandemics, Strikes, among others that cause disruption in the organized trip are motives of Force Majeure.

Note: For a detailed consultation of all reasons for early cancellation, interruption of travel and disturbance of travel, please consult us for details of the respective contractual clauses.